
A Form is used to transfer Field data (Field Names and Values) of an Element into a Text or Table document.

  • Forms are user-defined documents created and managed from within the "Forms" Menu.
  • Forms are created for specific user need.
  • Placeholders, selected from a Drop-Down-Menu, are added to the Forms to allow a dynamic substitution with actual Field data.
  • The Forms are created for a specific Element Type.
  • The function for creating Text or Table documents using Forms is available from within the Project Tree. The "Create Doc from Forms" menu becomes available when performing a "right mouse click" on an Element.
  • Only Forms previously created for the selected Type of Element can be chosen.
  • The "output" Text for Table document becomes a "Child-Element" of the Type "Document."

Note: Forms as wells as the "output" documents are of the document type "docx" or "xlsx".

Demo Project: Selecting "Forms" Menu

Demo Project: Creating a Form

Demo Project: Editing a Form

Demo Project: Using Forms

Demo Project: Using Forms - Adding document specific data

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